Monday, February 21, 2011

saint and sinner

The game of me and him,
the game of saint and the sinner,
both are lovely children of the god,
saint because he loves the god,
sinner because god loves him,
so ironical the love is,
you surrender and still you wait,...
waiting sometimes eternal,
waiting sometimes momentary,...
sometimes a single moment as long as eternity,
sometimes eternity as small as a single moment,...
sinner in me says, let my sins speak up and face him face to face,
saint in me says, let my love speak up and merge in him one to one,
lovely is the game of the saint and sinner.

Monday, February 7, 2011

the story of I

i am me,
i am the mask,
something alive within,
with no name,
with no form,
has the covering of me,
yet i love my cover,
yet i love the one within,
sometimes i am the balance,
sometimes i am the extreme of the balance,
oh god,
sometimes its you,
sometimes its me,
sometimes its we,
beautiful is the story of I.