Tuesday, January 20, 2009

the story of love and time

Time is too slow for those who wait, 

Too swift for those who fear, 
too long for those who grieve,
too short for those who rejoice, 
but for those who love, 
Time is eternity.

Those are the lines i have copied. i often think i should give something very original which is not copied but i discovered one thing. in this life to this moment often i feel , every time it is a story retold. but i could understand the difference also , every time it is the different voice, now this difference in voice can be original and impact making if one has felt it, and it can be shallow and useless if it is just copied. 


Manjushree Abhinav said...

Beautiful poem, Joy. Thanks for sharing it.

Keep posting such nice stuff, please do. It doesn't matter if the words came first through you or someone else. There is nothing original in this world, everything comes from the same source anyway.
As long as one gives credit to the other, there is no problem in quoting.


thanks grasshopper for the sweet words of enouragement.
and ya it is true that everything comes from the same source.